8 Owls in Texas That You Can Actually See

Large, brown Great Horned Owl, 22" long, 44" wingspan. Mottled gray/brown, ear tufts, distinctive call. Nocturnal, adaptable habitat, nests in varied locations.


Great Horned Owl

Medium to large owl, round head, dark brown upperparts, pale underparts, yellowish beak, 21" length, 42" wingspan, hoots loudly, active in wooded areas.


Barred Owl

Summer resident in Canada to western USA. 9.5" length, 21" wingspan. Brown with spots, active day/night in open habitats, common in Texas.


Burrowing Owl

Medium to large pale owl, heart-shaped face, glides over open areas, nests in various structures, preys on small animals. Range: Canada, USA.


Barn Owl

Small, sparrow-sized owl in the Southwest. Brown and gray with yellow eyes. Migrates to Mexico. Nests in cavities. Active night hunter.


Elf Owl

Summer resident in Alaska, Canada, and USA. Pale brown with dark eye patches. Active day and night in fields, glides to catch prey. Wingspan 38 inches.


Short-eared Owl

Bird droppings, considered lucky in many cultures, symbolize rare connections with spiritual realms. Embrace unexpected positivity.


Barred Owl

Rare in AZ and TX, Ferruginous Pygmy Owl is 6.75", reddish-brown with black spots, desert dweller, hunts birds, bugs, and lizards.


Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl

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